
London Physiotherapy and Wellness


Aerobics has always been a fun exercise for those who want to stay fit. So, what if a little more fun was added to aerobics? Certainly, that will make it more amusing, and aqua aerobics is a way of doing this. Aqua Aerobics is gaining prominence nowadays as it is a fun exercise that everyone loves for several reasons. Aqua aerobics is performing aerobics under water, and it is safe for people of all age groups. However, aqua aerobics does not include swimming; rather, it is done standing in the waist-deep water like swimming pools. So, even if you don’t know how to swim, you can perform aqua aerobics without any problems.

Aqua aerobics is a fun way to stay fit. Here are some facts about Aqua Aerobics that will make you indulge in it even more:

  • Good for your heart- It not only focuses on cardiac training but also adds to resistance and buoyancy because of the element of water. Thus, it helps in strength training. Because of the pressure of water, it not only enhances strength but also adds to the amount of blood pumping to the heart.
  • Enhanced endurance and flexibility- if you regularly perform aqua aerobics, then you will enjoy a better endurance and flexibility than others. Since water is a natural resistance, one does not go against it but rather, strain through it. Also, while adjusting to the push and pull of water, your body adjusts and tries to increase its motion. Thus, aqua aerobics is one of the best ways to improve your endurance and flexibility without causing any harm to your body.
  • Say goodbye to stress as well as calories- playing in water is always fun, and indeed it is one of the best ways to reduce stress. So, aqua aerobics is one of the best ways to reduce your anxiety and stress, and at the same time, it acts as a blessing for your body by burning your calories.
  • An easy way to relax in summers- everybody gets a little lazy in summers. But aqua aerobics can refresh your body along with keeping it healthy.
  • Maintains healthy blood pressure- working out in water helps in creating a better blood flow in the body. Thus, aqua aerobics is among the best ways to maintain good blood pressure in the body.

LPAWclinic is the best place to go if you want to start performing aqua aerobics. Our trained experts know the techniques of a proper workout and can help you be in good shape. For more details, you can contact us anytime you want, and in return, we promise you a healthy life with a fit body.


Yoga therapy is one of the best exercises to perform daily for your wellbeing. Yoga has been practised for years by our ancestors, and it has a long history of giving strength and power to your body. Yoga is a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation and deep relaxation which has been practised for over five thousand years. . Yoga originated in Hinduism but has since grown vastly and become far more advanced, making its way into the Western world. With the practice of yoga therapy, you can be aware of the interconnections between your mental, spiritual and physical levels. You can do yoga on your own but taking part in yoga therapy at a wellness clinic is a great pleasure altogether. Since they are trained professionals, who have extensive knowledge about yoga, the right positions in which to do yoga and an understanding of how to obtain the maximum benefits of yoga with its exercises.

Benefits of Yoga Therapy
If you are feeling tired and fall ill, it indicates that your physical and mental health needs some form of therapy to help improve the functioning of the body. You can gain strength and stamina with regular yoga therapy sessions from a wellness clinic. There are some physical and psychological benefits of the yoga therapy which are mentioned below:

Physical Benefits:
If you are feeling tired and fall ill, it indicates that your physical and mental health needs some form of therapy to help improve the functioning of the body. You can gain strength and stamina with regular yoga therapy sessions from a wellness clinic. There are some physical and psychological benefits of the yoga therapy which are mentioned below:

  • Enhance Flexibility
  • Increase muscle tone and strength
  • Improve the respiratory system and provide energy and vitality
  • Maintain the healthy metabolism of the body
  • Reduce the weight in the body
  • Improve your cardiovascular and circulatory systems
  • Improve your athletic and sports performance
  • Protection from various injuries

Mental Benefits
Aside from the physical health benefits, Yoga has psychological benefits too that helps the patient to manage their stress effectively. Stress has devastating and harmful effects on the health of the individual and yoga therapy sessions help you to recover from stressful conditions. Stress can come in any form such as neck or back pain, headaches, sleeping problems, inability to concentrate, etc. Yoga therapy helps you to recover from all such situations, and to change the outlook of your life and develop your coping skills. A breathing and meditation exercise from yoga therapy sessions helps you to improve your mental well being. Regular yoga sessions can help one to centre their attention, relax the mind, increase body awareness, sharpen concentration and gain relief from chronic stressful conditions. If you require the help of experienced yoga therapists, try contacting, as they have a great selection of therapists who know the best practices in yoga therapy and can help you to have a great quality of life overall.


Osteopathy Can Easily Improve Your Hectic Lifestyle and Improve your Quality of Life

Osteopathic science involves certain manual techniques for restoring the body to its normal condition and to start it functioning properly again. It can also help in curing other problems like headaches, back pain, sports injuries, disc and muscular problems.

These techniques are mainly based on the clear fact that the well-being of individuals mainly depends on basic four things for its proper functioning- skeleton, ligaments, muscles and connective tissues.

Osteopathy is a great option which is applied where drugs and surgeries fail to work. Touching, manipulating and massages are used for improving blood circulation to specific areas and therefore it helps the functioning of your body. Osteopathy is also known for improving the immune system of your body and helping to prevent common illnesses.

Osteopathy is used for people belonging to all ages from young to old age, as well as during pregnancy. It has no limits as it does not make use of any sort of medication or surgery. Osteopathy is also useful for those people who are stretched for time and do not necessarily need to be referred by a doctor.

Getting a qualified Osteopathic professional is very easy as there are more than a few clinics present in the United Kingdom. One of the best ways to find an Osteopathic specialist in your area is to make a quick search online.

Osteopathic professionals make use of their hands for searching out abnormalities in the body structure and functions. They can reliably trace the affected areas, and inform their patient of the best form of treatment. They are specialists in healing the body’s abilities and helping to remove the pain that patients might be experiencing. The first treatment usually lasts from forty-five minutes to an hour.

Why Choose Osteopathy?

The answer to this question is quite simple. If someone is looking for treatment for body pain that they are facing, but they don’t want to take any drugs or get surgery, Osteopathy is best for him / her. It is quite the natural treatment and it does not involve any usage of drugs. Most of the people who are prone to muscular pain but cannot take any medication, like in cased of pregnancy or the elderly, they require a natural form of treatment and Osteopathy is best for it.

Osteopathy is quite popular for those who work in cities. Working people are usually more prone to living a stressful life and have quite a tight schedule. Due to lots of physical and mental stress, the body tightens up and causes pain for a long period of time. Thus, they prefer to go to an Osteopath professional over doctors. offers Osteopath professionals who are qualified and experienced enough to cure the pain in the body of any patient. People who prefer natural treatment and live in London can easily gain from their services.


Sports therapy helps the injured individual to efficiently recover from their injuries by healing the damaged parts of their body and getting them back in the game. Sports injury rehabilitation emphasises more on the early recognition of the injury, or injuries, along with giving the treatment. Together with providing a treatment plan, the individual is provided with some flexibility and strengthening exercises to help speed up the recovery process. There are some progressive exercises that can also be given to the sportsperson to make sure that the location of the injury heals quickly and returns to its natural place and functional condition. Sports therapists provide unsurpassed and unique care to every patient.

Some Injuries and issues that can be taken care of
There are many injuries and issues which are treated to the injured sportsperson to recover from the disease efficiently. There are many issues like chronic or severe injuries which can occur from:

  • Tennis
  • Rugby
  • Football
  • Running
  • Skiing
  • Or any other day to day activities

These are treated by post-surgical rehabilitation followed by:

  • ACL reconstructions and Achilles tendon repair.
  • Standard tapping techniques to resolve athletic tapping and strapping to provide joint and muscle support.
  • K-tape usage for supporting the muscle and joints, as well as to evaporate the swelling beneath the skin layers.
  • Improving the mechanics of the body.

How does it work?
Sports therapy is a multidisciplinary approach to assess, prevent and care for the injury. The very first step is the accurate diagnosis of the damage from a certified sports injury specialist. The initial stages include the treatment, for both reducing pain and promoting healing for the injured person. When the swelling and pain get reduced, the gradual reconditioning process will start. There are a few exercises advised by experts to help you meet specific goals like coordination of balance, flexibility training, mobility and joint positioning. Once progress has been made, the therapist will begin re-establishing the strength.

Health benefits
Sports therapy helps you to return to your game and activities that you love as quickly as possible safely and securely. You will find wellness clinics like which provide state of the art facilities and care to athletes of all ages. There is an opportunity for the sports person to strengthen his other body parts during the restoration period. Anyone with a committed investment in their sports should choose sports therapy for healing, as it is an excellent option at the moment. Sports treatment has many benefits that helps you with the most innovative technology available for sports injuries.


What is Yoga?
Yoga is a therapeutic and natural form of exercise that comes with many physical, mental and emotional benefits. In yoga, you are directed to perform some exercises based on breathing and some accurate postures of body for different health benefits. Yoga allows your body to perform properly and all your body parts work with improved functioning and you attain good physical health along with mental benefits. Yoga therapy allows you to concentrate on specific issues to be resolved with the help of yoga and yoga instructor keeps you in the right postures and poses to attain maximum benefits in the specific health problems. Yoga therapy is designed to give maximum health benefits to the person.

Importance of Yoga Therapy
Removes Mental Stress- First and foremost benefit of the yoga therapy is to reduce the mental stress. In everyday living, person remains stressed with work and family tension. Person looks for the solution outside but sometimes our health is the main reason for helping in resolving many problems. Yoga therapy keeps you in a peaceful environment and allows you to reduce your stress with various exercises.

Controls Anxiety- Anxiety and tension makes us fatigue and does not let us physically and mentally well and we keep on fighting our mood different times. In yoga therapy sessions, you are trained to fight with your fears and it controls anxiety in the body. It relaxes your anxiety in a safe and natural way and you don’t need to take anti anxiety medication for you and can live a healthy life style after attending yoga therapy sessions.

Manages Insomnia- We often fight to not to dread bed time but sometimes we fail to prevent insomnia due to our stress and tension. Yoga therapy session helps you to manage insomnia and improves your sleeping habits and restores natural sleep to you. Good yoga therapy session focuses on exercises to control over insomnia. Yoga instructor uses yogic sequences and poses to help you to encourage better sleep.

Eases Anger- Pent us issues sometimes lead to regrets and outburst and can also lead to the worsen self criticizing, self punishing and overheating. A good yoga instructor helps you to address the issue in a safe environment with easy exercise to not to harm yourself for the problems and releasing the anger in safe manner and improves your behavior with no anger.

We are; the leading wellness clinic in London and providing excellent yoga therapy sessions that reduce your mental stress and increase physical strength. You can visit our website and contact us for best yoga therapy sessions in London.


You might be wondering; do you have to be a professional sports player to seek help from the sports physiotherapist? No, absolutely not. A physiotherapist can help you recover from a sporting injury no matter what is your level of competition. If you run, play tennis, participate in triathlons, or do any other sporting activities, you can benefit from a physiotherapist’s diagnosis, exercise protocols, and treatment techniques.

Like most sports players, you probably put more than the usual amount of stress on your joints, muscles, and bones. You might also push your body to the limit in order to beat your own time or win a game. If this is the case, it makes sense to make sports physiotherapy a part of your fitness regimen. Sports physio deals with injuries, pains, and mobility problems caused by athletic activities. A sports physiotherapist will have a vast amount of experience in addressing overuse, chronic, and acute injuries, helping athletes like yourself recuperate from sporting injuries as well as giving knowledge and resources you need to avoid future issues.

The best sports physio clinics follow systematic physiotherapy plans designed specifically for a client’s needs. The goal is to help you recover quickly so you can get back to playing as soon as possible. The first priority of treatment is to relieve swelling and pain; only after this will your sports physiotherapist be able to administer other treatments. Your plan will likely involve guided exercises that are designed to address the cause of the pain or injury. You will perform these movements in a controlled environment, under the watch of your physiotherapist. Once you know how to do them properly, you may be allowed to perform them on your own in between visits. These physio exercises can ultimately allow you to regain control of your movements without pain. Depending on your case, your treatment plan may also involve other modes of treatment, including hydrotherapy.


Are you thinking of taking pelvic therapy treatment? If you are, then just wait and first have a look into it to find the best providers, and get the best of outcomes.

Pelvic floor

It consists of muscles and ligaments which act similarly to a hammock to grab and assist the lower body organs. Pelvic floor facilitates the childbirth process, develops the structure for abdominal cavity and its organs in addition to muscles, and also contributes to the sexual delight and ability to get to orgasm. It controls the passing of stool and urine.

Reasons of weakened pelvic floor

Obesity, pregnancy, episiotomy, childbirth, Cesarean section, hysterectomy, smoking, menopause, large uterine fibroids, frequent straining during bowel movement, and inactivity are all things that can reduce pelvic floor strength and flexibility, some of which affect ligaments, muscles, nerves, or tendons and weaken the pelvic floor.

Pelvic floor therapy
Pelvic floor therapy is an excellent alternative to medication and surgery for individuals faced with the diagnosis affecting pelvic floor like chronic prostatitis.
There are various kinds of pelvic floor dysfunction that occurs due to unbalancing of those tissues. These are either weak and elongated or overactive and shortened. Therapy involves neuromuscular re-education and physical release of related controlled muscles on the basis of the person’s comfort and requirement.

Reasons for pelvic floor therapy

  • Avoid or recover from pain or dysfunction related to pregnancy. The therapist helps a person to learn how to coordinate abdominal and pelvic floor muscles to assist vaginal birth.
  • Many women experience incontinence which can be brought about as a result of a weakening of the pelvic floor. Therapy improves this by strengthening right muscles.
  • Treats pelvic pain.

Some of the more common misconceptions about pelvic physical therapy (Pelvic PT) include

  • Women after childbirth are the only people that could require pelvic physical therapy.
  • The therapy cannot be given to men.
  • Pelvic PT is not the recommended option for people who have tried kegel exercises (pelvic floor strengthening) and did not receive any benefits from it.
  • Pelvic PT would not help people who’ve already undergone some surgical procedure or are planning to have any surgery.
  • Therapy will not help if an individual has a medical reason for his/her pain.

Pelvic floor strengthening exercises
Practicing these exercises helps to avoid Tearing or prolapsing, stitches, and surgery. The following activities are designed to tone pelvic floor:

  1. Women after childbirth are the only people that could require pelvic physical therapy.
  2. The therapy cannot be given to men.
  3. Pelvic PT is not the recommended option for people who have tried kegel exercises (pelvic floor strengthening) and did not receive any benefits from it.
  4. Pelvic PT would not help people who’ve already undergone some surgical procedure or are planning to have any surgery.
  5. Therapy will not help if an individual has a medical reason for his/her pain.

The reputed clinic includes a unique biofeedback machine that is ideal for pelvic floor muscle training, helping people to improve muscle tone and receive quality life change.


In Greek, Hydrotherapy means ‘water healing’. It is a form of exercise that’s done in a controlled aquatic pool, with the use of heated, sanitised water. In recent times, hydrotherapy has become more and more popular, as a prevalent method for treating, and helping patients cope with a large variety of diseases, such as arthritis and rheumatism.
Hydrotherapy has always been very beneficial , not only due to the pressure and warmth of the water, but predominantly the resilience offered by the treatment. Some of the advantages of this treatment are:

  • The treatment is not a weight bearing exercise
  • Provides relief from pain, swelling and stiffness
  • Promotes relaxation
  • The patients are helped with their joint mobilisation
  • Improves Cardiovascular fitness (heart and lungs)
  • The treatment gives muscle strengthening, maintenance & restoration
  • It helps to increase the range of motion in any affected joints

Enhanced circulation
The encircling warmth of the water will reduce muscle tension by causing the surface blood vessels to dilate and causing the skin temperature to snowball which can cause a decrease in the patient’s pain and a reduction in the amount of muscle spasms. Painfulness caused by a reduced range of motion, stiffness or swelling can be relieved as the warmth of the water causes blood vessels to enlarge.
The pressure applied by the water in Hydrotherapy offered by a good physiotherapy centre like London Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic can aid in reducing swelling by causing bodily fluid to move away from the affected area, instead of moving into the problem area. This is amplified with exercise, to help improve the patient’s circulation.
The buoyancy found in hydrotherapy helps to reduce the load placed onto your weight bearing joints, and eradicates the effect linked with walking on dry land, as well as providing assistance with balance.
This aids in reducing pain and making movement easier , using minor exercise. The buoyancy of the water in Hydrotherapy helps move the stiff joint with additional range of movement with minimal exercise.


Sports therapy is a segment of sports science that’s now being increasingly recognized for its many benefits, especially for athletic individuals in all age and ability levels. Generally speaking, sports therapy London helps in areas like injury prevention, muscle repair, mobility restoration, and increased flexibility. Look deeper into the advantages of taking sports therapy and you will find that its benefits are threefold and affect a person’s physical, physiological, psychological being. Below are more reasons why you should consider sports therapy London as part of your training:

  • In the physical realm, sports therapy can be beneficial in terms of allowing better blood circulation throughout the body while increasing tissue permeability. As a result, tissues can better receive the vital nutrients as well as the energy needed to repair themselves. Sports therapy also allows the breakdown of scar tissues as a result of previous trauma or injury, thus restoring flexibility in the muscles. Other therapy techniques stretch muscle tissues to release tension and pressure build-up while improving muscle elasticity, which allows for more freedom of movement.
  • Physiologically, sports therapy London helps in terms of pain reduction and muscle relaxation. Waste products in the muscles, as well as muscle stress and tension, are often the root causes of pain in many parts of the body. Sports therapy aids in pain reduction and muscle relaxation through the proper manipulation of muscle and soft tissue as well as the stimulation of mechanoreceptors, which allow for the release of endorphins and relief against muscle tension.
  • Sports therapy London also has many psychological benefits, including the reduction of stress and anxiety, helping to make you happier, and more comfortable. Therapies offer an invigorating mood, which can be advantageous when preparing for a sporting activity.

London sports therapy can give athletes a boost in their overall performance. Over the long run, it can also allow sports people to keep their bodies in the best condition and prolong the life of their sporting career.


Aqua aerobics is one of the most therapeutic forms of exercise that offers an extensive list of incredible health benefits. Working out in the water makes it easier to stay cooler. It also helps in many areas of health, including weight loss, cardiovascular endurance, stress relief, and more. Here are many more reasons why you should consider aqua aerobics London for part of your workout routine:

  • An average 30-minute water workout burns at least 300 calories. Generally, it takes eliminating 3500 calories to burn off 1 pound of body fat. If you do the math, a minimum of three to four-times-a-week pool workout will help you have significant and measurable weight loss.
  • Aqua aerobics London is also gaining popularity because of its cardiovascular benefits. Staying in the water while performing workout exercises is an effective way to enhance your cardio endurance. Water pressure helps improve your cardiovascular strength and because you stay cooler in the water, blood moves through your body at a much faster rate to help warm it up. Combined with a good aerobic program, aqua aerobics results in improved cardiovascular performance.
  • Pool workouts offer low-impact exercises. Conventional strength training can take a toll on your muscles, requiring longer periods of rest to repair themselves. Not only does aqua aerobics London prevent such strain on the muscles—many physical therapists also recommend it to individuals undergoing weightlifting training and other strength exercises, who can do it on their off days to help their muscles heal. Water buoyancy creates less impact on the muscles and joints to help you maintain a healthy workout routine while recuperating. This kind of active training will help you burn fat continuously while also promoting active recovery.

Finally, water aerobics also promote stress relief, thanks to its therapeutic values. Water exercises stimulate the brain in a way that releases chemicals that make your body feel good.

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