
London Physiotherapy and Wellness

Hydrotherapy: What to know before you start

Treatment with water

Water is one of the essential components that one needs to survive. Everybody knows about the basic uses of water. However, very few people understand its healing properties. Yes, water may also be used to treat different ailments, and many issues can be addressed using water therapies. The treatment that encompasses using water, thanks to its healing properties, to take care of a lot of problems is gaining popularity day by day and is known as Hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is water therapy which is used to treat various like arthritis, depression, joint problems, sleep problems and a great deal more in addition to helping you maintain proper bodily health.

Different from other therapies
Hydrotherapy is different from other therapies in the sense that it provides a soothing effect as well. It is like performing an exercise, not on the floor, but in a heated pool. The water is heated to a specific temperature, usually around 34 degrees °C. The combination of water, heat, and energy at a particular temperature not only heals but also works as a relaxing medium for muscles, thereby improving overall health and fitness levels of a person.

Know about the benefits
Hydrotherapy has end number of benefits, and some of them are:

  • It not only relieves pain but helps in relaxing joints as well.
  • It facilitates rehabilitation as water always has a soothing effect on the body.
  • It is perfect for joints as water therapy improves joint movement by taking away pressure and weight and, at the same time, providing resistance to it.
  • It assists in improving your blood flow.
  • It also helps in reducing sudden pains.

Safe or not safe?
Some people might wonder whether it is safe to get Hydrotherapy due to the nature of their problem. If taken under specialist supervision and care, then Hydrotherapy is safe. Before starting with this treatment, you should make sure you consult your physician or doctor and then speak about your complete medical history with the therapist. Hydrotherapy can be extremely safe and highly effective if done the right and proper way.

So, if you’re suffering from any health problems and are tired of taking pills, then going for hydrotherapy will be the best option. provides you with all the best therapist and will not disappoint you at any point in your treatment. Joining LPAWClinic means saying goodbye to your problem forever in a soothing manner. Your appropriate treatment is their prime responsibility.

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