
London Physiotherapy and Wellness


Physiotherapy is a conservative treatment approach that is proven to be helpful for people who have injuries, illnesses, or medical conditions that limit their ability to move. This is why many primary care doctors refer their patients to physiotherapists at the first signs of a problem. A customised physiotherapy program can help you return to your prior level of functioning while teaching you the skills you need to prevent further injury and safeguard your overall wellbeing. Here are five ways it may benefit you:

  • Avoid surgery – If physiotherapy successfully eliminates your pain or heals your injury, then you may no longer need surgery. Even in cases when surgery is still required, pre-surgery physiotherapy makes you stronger and puts you in better shape so that you can recover faster afterwards.
  • Eliminate or at least reduce pain – Exercises and manual therapy (including soft tissue and joint mobilisation) combined with electrical stimulation, ultrasound, acupuncture and other such methods can relieve pain as well as restore joint functions. These therapies have also been proven to prevent pain from coming back.
  • Improve mobility – Physiotherapy can greatly help you if you have trouble moving, walking, or standing—no matter how old you are. The strengthening and stretching exercises help recondition your body so that you can move independently. A therapist can customise an individual care plan that allows you to safely do the activities that are important to your life.
  • Manage diabetes – Physiotherapy is a useful addition to an overall diabetes management plan because exercises can help keep your blood sugar under control.
  • Prevent falls – Are you at high risk for falls? A physiotherapist can design exercises that carefully and safely challenge your balance so that you can deal with real-life situations. These exercises may also improve your coordination assistive devices that you might require for safer walking.


For access to expert care and state of the art hydrotherapy and physiotherapy facilities for treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, visit the London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic. They have an active approach to improving performance and physical health, incorporating hydrotherapy and advanced strengthening equipment into fulfilling their patients’ physiotherapy needs.

The clinic provides aquatic physiotherapy (hydrotherapy) for early rehabilitation in cases where traditional approaches will not work. Hydrotherapy sessions at the London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic are very effective, not only in relieving muscle pains, but also depression, arthritis, headaches, joint problems, and even acne. Water—which can store and transmit energy and heat—is used as a healing agent, combined with cutting edge therapy and exercise techniques.

Patients exercise in water during these hydrotherapy sessions in London and Essex. The water’s buoyancy supports the body, helping relieve stress on the joints. The intensity and mode of hydrotherapy treatment can be modified based on the individual’s condition and goals. The hydrotherapy specialists of the London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic can work in tandem with the doctors of their patients to ensure the best results.

The physiotherapists of the London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic provide sports physiotherapy treatment for athletes, but that’s not all. They also serve patients who have suffered from a stroke or are dealing with Parkinson’s disease. Patients who are recovering from a heart attack can also benefit from the care and support provided by the clinic.

The London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic has the latest equipment for friction free scientific strength training, spine strength testing, and many more. Their biofeedback pelvic floor training equipment is non-invasive and is the first of its kind not only in London but in the UK. The clinic likewise provides preventative treatment including sports specific conditioning for athletes in varying skill levels. Postural training and ergonomic advice is offered a part of their back and neck pain service.


Like other health professionals, physiotherapists have varying areas of expertise and are likewise governed by very strict service standards. Practitioners must be officially registered and sufficiently educated in order to practice. This is why it is critical that you do your due diligence when finding a therapist that can help you with your condition. Finding the right professional to work with requires more than picking up your phone book and calling the first physiotherapist London on the list. Here are important things you should consider when choosing a professional physiotherapist to trust your rehab and physical therapy program with:

  • Consider their qualifications –It is important that the physiotherapist you hire is fully accredited and qualified to practice physiotherapy. A physiotherapist London is required by law to complete a physiotherapy degree at a duly approved institution. They must likewise be registered with the physiotherapy board.
  • Consider their area of expertise –Physiotherapists, just like physicians and other healthcare professionals, specialise in certain areas of the practice. Seek out a professional with relevant qualifications for your condition so you can receive focused treatment. Find a physiotherapist London specialising in musculoskeletal conditions if you suffer from a bad back or see a cardiovascular physiotherapy expert if you are recovering from a heart bypass.
  • Consider their methods of treatment – Choose a physiotherapist London that can provide you with the right treatment course depending on your treatment preferences, physical limitations, and the requirements of your condition. Physiotherapists use a wide array of techniques from movement and massage to hydrotherapy, acupuncture, shiatsu, reflexology, and other alternative treatments.
  • Consider their location and availability – Choose a physiotherapist that is accessible to you, especially when suffering chronic conditions that may make traveling long distances and waiting in long queues difficult. Travel stress might make your condition worse, especially when dealing with post-surgery and musculoskeletal problems.


If you participate in athletic activities, then you are putting more stress than usual on your body—stress that can eventually cause injuries. You need to be extra vigilant, especially as you get older. Consult a physiotherapist at the first sign of trouble. Here are some of the most common sports injuries that can be resolved through proper sports physiotherapy.

Plantar Fasciitis

Often caused by poor technique or improper footwear, this condition can be debilitating. Your physiotherapist may relieve the stiffness and pain by rolling your foot over a ball and using ‘hands on’ techniques like massages to stretch the fascia. Plantar fasciitis is reversible and treatable. In fact, about 9 out of 10 patients report significant improvement within two months of treatment.

ACL Strain

Hyperextending or twisting your knee can cause ACL strain. Treatment will depend on your condition’s severity, so visiting a physiotherapist is essential. After the assessment, your therapist will recommend exercises and treatments aimed at healing and strengthening the area around the knees.

Ankle Sprain

This common sports injury requires the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) treatment for reducing inflammation and pain. Be sure to visit a sports physiotherapy clinic to have the condition assessed further. The therapist may recommend exercises to help you not only recover but also diminish the chances of your ankle sprain recurring.

Lower Back Pain

Most athletes experience lower back pain at some point. This condition can be set off by a long list of reasons, including improper form when shifting or lifting. Seeking the help of a sports physiotherapy clinic is essential if you want to remain active. A therapist can teach you proper techniques, stretches, and strengthening exercises that will help prevent further issues. Physiotherapists play an important role in injury prevention and can recommend specific injury prevention programs that keep you out of harm’s way while improving your sporting performance.


Contrary to what some people may think, selecting a physiotherapy centre can call for a lot of thought and time. While a treatment may be perfect for your relative or friend, it might not necessarily be the best for you. If all you are searching for a physiotherapy centre for exercise, then any physiotherapy centre in London can work, but if you are looking for a physiotherapy centre that specialises in offering you a better quality of life and health, then you need to be very careful before shelling out your hard-earned cash.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a physiotherapy centre in London:

Location and hours
Nowadays there are numerous physiotherapy centres in London that are open seven days a week, all year round. If you’re are someone with a very hectic schedule, this type of physiotherapy centre is the best for you. Also, a centre near your home or work will usually be far more manageable than one located far away.

This is very crucial, as there are some physiotherapy centres in London that will have an exotic look and feel, making you feel at ease. However, some clinics may not be so clean, and will leave you thinking twice before going inside.

Your need & treatment should determine the type of physiotherapy centre you choose for your treatment. Are you looking for help with muscle pains, sports injuries, orthopaedic treatment or hydrotherapy?  If the physiotherapy centre has these things, you should inspect them thoroughly to make sure it’s right for you before signing up.

This crucially very important. Look at the work ethics and experience of the staff. Are they qualified with all the required details and certifications?  Are they attentive to your needs, helpful with any questions, and courteous to you?

Most physiotherapy centres in London have a nominal tariff, meaning you can get proper treatment and relief without spending a large amount of money.  Make sure to check the cost before choosing your clinic, and starting your treatment.


Pilates is so much more than a fitness craze. In fact, it has a long history as a physical therapy technique intended to help enhance fitness and physique. It’s pioneer, Joseph Pilates, developed Pilates physical therapy in the heat of the First World War when he began using many of the exercise techniques as a form of rehabilitation for wounded soldiers. Pilates exercises gained even more popularity when it reached the Americas after the war as a therapy for injured dancers.

Today, many fitness and rehabilitation clinics incorporate Pilates physical therapy into their physical rehabilitation services. The goal of this physical therapy is to encourage patients to go beyond simply rehabilitating their injured body parts and instead helping them to improve movement and strength throughout their entire body. Those who suffer from orthopaedic and neurological issues such as spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, balance issues, traumatic brain injuries, and even strokes can benefit from Pilates as the therapy helps reinforce muscle performance and motor control on top of enhancing postural alignment.

More and more physical therapists are incorporating Pilates equipment into their physical therapy practice as Pilates is gaining even more popularity. What makes Pilates physical therapy unique and effective is the fact that it promotes flexibility and strength. In Pilates, the muscles are worked in an extended or lengthened position, using spring tension for added resistance. The result is improved strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance, which can easily be carried over to everyday tasks as your muscles help you become more functional. Many doctors would recommend Pilates physical therapy to clients experiencing shoulder, back, knee, foot, and neck pain, among other physical discomforts. Just the same, it is important to choose the right therapist and clinic to help you effectively combine Pilates with physical therapy. Their comprehensive knowledge of Pilates methodologies and equipment will help you maximise the therapy’s positive effects on your body.


Injuries are an integral risk for all players and athletes. Whether, professional or amateur athletes are prone to injuries of joints, ligaments, nervous system and the muscles. But many of those injuries can be easily treated by effective sports physiotherapy.
Sports physiotherapy comprises of focused treatments including specific exercises for injuries or massage to improve the process of healing. Specialized training helps sports physiotherapists to understand the cause of pain and cure that cause rather than simply telling about the symptoms.

How London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic helps?
The experienced team of professionals at London Physiotherapy and Wellness clinic work with all players and athletes to heal and treat injuries, helping players to recover as quickly as possible.
London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic physiotherapists train extensively in treatment of sports related injuries, understanding all characteristics of how elements of human body work together. The experienced team of physiotherapists there understand that pain in an area can be caused by injury to some other part of the body.

How It Works
Once the team of physiotherapists identify the actual injury cause the physiotherapy of the player will begin. They carefully analyse and understand the injury, so that they can determine the best plan of action for the fast and better recovery of the player.
The sports physiotherapist at the London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic in London and Essex do not work in a vacuum. But they work as a whole member of team known as team wellness who are highly qualified with a huge working experience.


Physiotherapy is conventional treatment method that has been proven to provide aid for people suffering from illnesses, medical conditions and injuries. That is why several doctors after finding out any related problems refer patients to physiotherapists. A proper oriented physiotherapy program can help you to regain the functionality of the affected body part while helps you to prevent any further injury. Henceforth providing a proper safety for your overall wellbeing, but how does physiotherapy helps? Let us look at some benefits:

No Need for Surgery
If you have a major injury that really needs surgery, consider asking your doctor whether physiotherapy will help. As, physiotherapy cam successfully eliminate pain and other injuries. Even if there is a case of surgery, physiotherapy before the surgery can help you remain stronger and recover quickly afterwards.

Eliminate Pain
Conventional physiotherapy exercises and techniques like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, acupuncture and several other methods can help reduce pain. It can help restore joint function and are proven to prevent the pain from coming back.

Better Mobility
Consulting a good Physiotherapy clinic like London Physiotherapy and Wellness clinic can help you recover quickly. Especially if you trouble in mobility – walking or standing, as the exercises helps the body to move independently. The experience physiotherapist can make a customised plan to help you recover more quickly.
Manage diabetes – Physiotherapy is a useful addition to an overall diabetes management plan because exercises can help keep your blood sugar under control.

Prevent or Control Diabetes
It is a known fact that diabetes can be easily controlled through proper lifestyle changes and exercise. Physiotherapy can really help you to recover and control diabetes effectively.


Aquatic therapy involves the use of a specially designed pool to perform manual therapy, exercises, gait training, and sensory integration.  It utilises the water’s properties to provide a safe, invigorating, and functional atmosphere in restoring normal movement.  There are many reasons to choose a hydrotherapy treatment near Essex, and here are just a few of them:

  • Buoyancy – This property of water reduces the force of gravity on your body by as much as 80 percent (at a chest-high level). This type of environment allows you to move without the stress that your body typically receives from your daily life. Buoyancy also decreases the compression of gravity on your spine. A physiotherapist can use hydrotherapy to improve your range of motion by reducing the force that gravity exerts.
  • Hydrostatic pressure -Referring to the force applied to your body by the water, hydrostatic pressure can aid in reducing edema, improving circulation, and even in decreasing blood pressure. Hydrostatic pressure can also be used for resistance (to strengthen and tone muscles) and to improve your breathing capacity. Proper hydrotherapy allows your chest muscles to get used to expanding more, so you can breathe better in your daily life.
  • Temperature – The best hydrotherapy and physiotherapy clinics use an optimum aquatic temperature to help your tissues to relax as well as improve flexibility. The perfect temperature also lets you focus on your movements comfortably. Hydrotherapy allows your physiotherapist to create a challenging yet safe setting for you to start and progress in your rehabilitation program.

The versatility of hydrotherapy has been shown to be useful in treating patients suffering from fibromyalgia, gait dysfunctions, rotator cuff injuries, plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, post-surgical conditions, low back pain, and many other conditions. Be sure to go to a physiotherapy clinic that can customise a water-based treatment plan based on your medical problem and overall condition. The best hydrotherapy clinics can even work with your doctors to ensure optimum results.


Choosing the right osteopath is critical to relieving your symptoms. In any health condition that needs professional attention, trusting a practitioner to aid in your healing and recovery is often a leap of faith—but it doesn’t have to be a blind leap. Here are some things you should keep in mind as you find a good osteopath in London:

  • Find a practitioner that can provide you with full body treatment. Osteopathy is often referred to as ‘manual medicine’. It is both an art and a science and one that makes use of the hands to treat various physical restrictions and aid in the healing of lesions caused by repetitive injuries and accidents. Its therapeutic approach makes the practice unique in that an osteopath treats patients instead of simply relieving symptoms. Therefore, it is critical that you find a professional, duly trained and educated in providing full body treatment options to help you improve your condition.
  • Seek out reliable recommendations. From your doctor or health practitioner to friends and family who may have gone through osteopathic treatment in the recent past, you will find great referrals for trustworthy osteopath London practices that you can turn to. A doctor who suggests osteopathy as part of your treatment program will be helpful in finding a good clinic that you can visit. People you know, on the other hand, can be great references for first hand experiences in these clinics.

Choose an osteopath that can explain your symptoms, conditions, and required techniques and treatment methods clearly. It is critical that you are informed about your condition as well as the treatment options that you have. This way, you can be in the best position to keep yourself healthy with the help of osteopathy. Demand proven medical knowledge, board recognitions and qualifications to make sure you are working with a legitimate osteopath.

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