
London Physiotherapy and Wellness


Pilates is so much more than a fitness craze. In fact, it has a long history as a physical therapy technique intended to help enhance fitness and physique. It’s pioneer, Joseph Pilates, developed Pilates physical therapy in the heat of the First World War when he began using many of the exercise techniques as a form of rehabilitation for wounded soldiers. Pilates exercises gained even more popularity when it reached the Americas after the war as a therapy for injured dancers.

Today, many fitness and rehabilitation clinics incorporate Pilates physical therapy into their physical rehabilitation services. The goal of this physical therapy is to encourage patients to go beyond simply rehabilitating their injured body parts and instead helping them to improve movement and strength throughout their entire body. Those who suffer from orthopaedic and neurological issues such as spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, balance issues, traumatic brain injuries, and even strokes can benefit from Pilates as the therapy helps reinforce muscle performance and motor control on top of enhancing postural alignment.

More and more physical therapists are incorporating Pilates equipment into their physical therapy practice as Pilates is gaining even more popularity. What makes Pilates physical therapy unique and effective is the fact that it promotes flexibility and strength. In Pilates, the muscles are worked in an extended or lengthened position, using spring tension for added resistance. The result is improved strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance, which can easily be carried over to everyday tasks as your muscles help you become more functional. Many doctors would recommend Pilates physical therapy to clients experiencing shoulder, back, knee, foot, and neck pain, among other physical discomforts. Just the same, it is important to choose the right therapist and clinic to help you effectively combine Pilates with physical therapy. Their comprehensive knowledge of Pilates methodologies and equipment will help you maximise the therapy’s positive effects on your body.

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